“That moment in a film where danger and violence is imminent…“
A soundtrack featuring music from:
Toska, The Ghosts, Foreign Poetry, Lisa Von H, Ekranoplan 4, Pallindrones, Thomas Truax, Ode to Lucius, Victory Kicks and Niall Carson.
Music of Substance is a brand new Sync Agency based in London. We have spent the last year or so signing a number of different Artists and have around 350 songs in all sorts of genres.
We are now beginning to approach all sorts of production companies and decided to invent a series of imagined films or TV shows and compile a soundtrack to each. Each time we will pick a genre or TV idea and compile a soundtrack in order to showcase some of our work.
An example of this is a soundtrack for an imagined sequence within a film that has a sense of imminent violence and danger. You know the type of thing, a character or characters, being pursued by a machine gun toting maniac or gang of maniacs. Perhaps it’s a car chase or showdown. Whatever the case that sense of excitement and speed prevails, impending doom is not far away.
Within the tracks we have included is a sense of the narrative described. Those elements being; excitement, speed, energy, darkness, danger and violence.
All of the Artists featured are fully represented by Music of Substance and have many more tracks available for licence. Is also worth noting that we have instrumental versions of each song available.
Do get in touch with any feedback about the soundtrack or any enquires in regards to any of the music featured.